Rohan Kar
Breaking down NP Hard Product Problems
Think about a massive problem. Let’s say climate change. How would you take on solving climate change??
How does one even wrap their head around this problem?
Here’s an approach: The first step we could take is to figure out how to detect and measure climate change in the first place. Ideally, we’d like to use tools and resources available to us at that point.
Second, know your problem space.
“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist”- Picasso
We have looked at glaciers, ice cores and all kinds of atmospheric chemistry. True problem solvers know that we have to try a new solution space to have a chance for a better outcome. What. if the oceans offer all the data we’ve needed? After all, it’s a massive sink for all the hot and cold mess that’s occurred over billions of years. It turns out all that information needed is 5-10 feet above the surface of the water and about 50 feet below. [See Ocean Heat Flux]
So now we’ve figured out that the effects of climate change are present in this 55-60 feet. If we can measure this across the planet and track it we can understand what’s really going on. We have a hypothesis and a clear objective.
The next stage is all about balance.
We need to balance 3 things: Time, Cost, Quality.
Start to think of prototypical ways to test the validity of our hypothesis, repeat and scale up to determine feasibility. Ask: What are we looking for in our solution (product) that’s going to measure ocean heat flux?
Must have features: Human-less (autonomous), internet enabled, sensor networks, the capability to circumnavigate the planet.
Nice to have features: solar powered, long-term deployments (+6 months)?
Our product so far sounds like a seafaring drone, that sails autonomously, boarded with sensors that can measure heat flux and relay that information to a sensor grid.
Something like this?::
This is how we take a large complex problem and break it into measurable chunks that we can start solving. It starts with taking that first step.
In case you are interested, turns out this product already exists